Each year thousands of guest researchers and visitors come to Berkeley Lab for unparalleled expertise in the basic and applied sciences. From grade schoolers to government officials, from industry leaders to members of the public, Berkeley Lab welcomes the opportunity to demonstrate its dedication to bringing science solutions to the world.
Berkeley Lab is currently offering public tours once a quarter, on the 4th Friday of January, April, July and October. The approximately 3 hour visit begins with a shuttle ride from Downtown Berkeley to Berkeley Lab, followed by visits to three cutting-edge research facilities: the Molecular Foundry, the Advanced Light Source, and FLEXLAB®.
Registration for the tours will open one month in advance of the tour date, and are first come, first serve. The tour in January is at at capacity.
Please read this information on registration and safety considerations before signing up for one of Berkeley Lab’s tours.
Explore select user facilities and workshops at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory through videos and 360-degree immersive tours.
Students and teachers from grades K-12 in Alameda and Contra Costa county schools, and undergraduates from U.S. community colleges or universities are eligible for a Berkeley Lab educational tour. To learn more about programs for grades K-12 from Alameda and Contra Costa county schools, please visit Berkeley Lab’s K-12 STEM Education and Outreach Programs. To learn more about programs for U.S. community colleges or universities please visit Workforce Development & Education.
Private Tours are subject to availability and are limited to groups of 25. Each guest must be identified and properly vetted at least three weeks prior to the tour date. Site access is granted to visitors according to Department of Energy practices for entry.
Tours of the ALS for Berkeley Lab Employees (requires LDAP login)
Visitor Information Links